Living in a Remote Area


Without moving "farther" we wouldn't know what the Earth or universe has. Most world populations need to MOVE OUT more, as the whole world suffers a severe chronic centralization, requiring moving from the dense well-served well-known centers, to the less populous, served, or explored "marginalized" areas, regions and countries, for better "equality, diversity, creativity, prosperity, and security." Unfortunately, not all governments make such move easy for citizens; and rather than plan, explore and exploit every region, to benefit most from its resources and make it livable for inhabitants, they leave inhabitants on their own to improve it, something not all of them succeed at. Many governments only support a region after "individuals" succeed there (or even attribute such success to the government).

Thankfully, as civilization moves forward, technology connects people more and better, physically and virtually, that distance is becoming both less challenging and more useful, allowing individuals more space for pleasure, creativity, and even well-planned communication, better than that of crowded areas.

Defining a remote area is relative, as remote areas and their inhabitants' problems/rights differ widely from one country to the other, depending on its laws/plans/resources/roads/etc. "Distance" itself is a relative term, with some areas extremely/slightly remote, and some inhabitants able/willing to move more than the others, although everyone "needs" some distance from others. Some prefer closeness to nature rather than people, and some look forward to the future than be attached to the past (changing their address permanently or revisiting occasionally, adjusting to new circumstances while keeping the past mostly in their heads, to virtually visit rather than be a lifetime prisoner to). Some wouldn't even try, having no curiosity or interest in change or improvement.




  • Compared to the more dense urban areas, a remote area with enough flat habitable land has more ground space for walking/driving/parking, green areas, building BIGGER schools/hospitals/markets/clubs/factories/companies, making new projects, holding big events, and more fresh food directly from rural areas. There is more air space with cleaner air, better view, more daylight, horizon, sky, etc. improving mood and health, while saving electricity.
  • More creativity, esp. if having one's own house & land, benefiting from the quiet and privacy relatively blocking sound, smell, intrusive sights/objects/people, etc. while allowing more space for "storage, focused study & physical experiments": having your own lab/workshop/garden/storehouse/etc. at home or otherwise legally designated. Living in a dense area with neighbors all around limits, if not prevents, creativity in physical sciences both at home or in small schools misplaced inside residential areas, where fire/smoke/smell/leakage/hammering/drilling/etc. is intrusive or even dangerous to neighbors. Towns, regions and countries lacking space needed for education purposes cannot make much progress in natural sciences and heavy industries, even if they can in light industries and theoretical sciences.
  • More relaxation and less stress-related problems, psychological/physical/social: anxiety, heart/lung diseases, hearing loss, social conflicts, and CRIME rates. 
  • More privacy and less problems with neighbors sharing land, building, facilities, infrastructure, etc.
  • More independence. By force of necessity, inhabitants grow more self-reliant, patient and calm.


The cost of living in a remote area is mostly similar to that of a nearby one, as both vertical and horizontal expansion have their price. However, a remote area has more future benefits, for having more space and freedom allowing better planning and land exploitation. It may only be initially challenging, emotionally & otherwise, before one reaps its benefits to oneself and society.

  • Although new structures in a remote area require more "horizontal" infrastructure (roads/pipes/cables/etc.), it is paid for "once and for all," saving the future costs of insecurity/disorganization those in dense areas suffer more often (who still have to pay for vertical infrastructure, e.g. in tall buildings, requiring costly and "sophisticated" safety conditions).
  • Inhabitants will commute less once they have their own "larger & well-planned" schools, hospitals, workplaces, etc., that many in dense areas lack thus commuting even to the remote ones (using more fuel) or to their own in-town ones (causing more traffic). Even if the latter have less/similar cost to those in remote areas, the general benefits of space and decentralization are still much more.


One of the main reasons of America's success is its decentralization and the more mobile lifestyle of its inhabitants, compared to many "old" or static countries. Your simple, personal choice to live in a remote area indirectly helps improve "equality, diversity & creativity" there and elsewhere.

  • Living in a remote REGION does the same on a larger scale, increasing nationwide decentralization, thus equality and internal security many marginalized regions lack.
    • Marginalization can be caused by distance, e.g. border regions that, when inhabited, you help protect borders with other countries, and cooperate with them.
    • Or it can be caused by limited/unexplored resources, that only passionate inhabitants can rediscover or find alternatives to, to develop and enrich their region.
  • When people explore & develop an area too remote/poor/cold/arid/rocky/swampy/etc., they can share their experience with similar areas in their country and the whole WORLD, benefiting people worldwide from what they achieved locally.

Thankfully the state returns the favor too, as many countries already give government benefits and privileges to remote area inhabitants, for support and encouragement.

A different environment can have advantages only available there, e.g. specialties, suiting some individuals to inhabit it, permanently or temporarily, like a certain job/project/assignment/experiment or a needed physical/financial/social/personal necessity. Examples: A remote area job in mining/heavy industry/tourism/agriculture/regional security/humanitarian work/traditional crafts/arts, or a law/tradition/lifestyle only enjoyed there.

Exploring a different environment with different challenges, while knowing that your choice goes beyond the present and self-interest, increases your motivation and enthusiasm to improve your area, however new or distant it is. It even makes networking easier, giving you more credibility, respect and willingness of other residents to cooperate with you, who could be simple traditional inhabitants desperate for development or new settlers perhaps like you eager to make the best of their area, to enjoy life there and make it a success model for others.


Problems & Solutions


A remote area can be differently insecure from a central/crowded one. In remote areas you are more easily spotted than heard; whereas in central areas danger can be lurking among crowds or in narrow streets. However, don't confuse "hormonal" fear of solitude/large space you may initially feel, with actual insecurity. Many people in crowded areas are inadvertently more at risk despite all the noise and people around them.

  • Learn in advance, rather than wait until you get there, about the environment: its nature, inhabitants, common problems, laws, government presence, etc.
  • Consider its "urban future," making sure the government there enforces the laws, defining building height, street width, land ownership, real estate type/activity, security, etc. so as time goes by the area develops properly, legally, and peacefully.
  • Protect yourself properly against natural risks, e.g. predators, poisonous plants, earth/weather instability, etc. Avoid risky places and times, and be prepared with the proper survival strategy, weapon, medicine, contacts, etc.
  • If the area is far from state's control, you may need to cope with some "uneasy" inhabitants there, e.g. tribes. Secure yourself legally by the police there, and socially by having your own "allies" too against them, until you develop some allies from within them if possible. Otherwise, be respectful of their differences and "experience," and be mutually helpful, you to them and them to you. You may become so much like them or them like you.

Security of life/properties varies widely between societies, according to their satisfaction level, financial, social & psychological. However, in EXTREME insecurity, you may need to develop extreme security procedures and habits.

  • Eventually, advanced technology will provide better security than human-based one. So, rather than relying on others, start having your own "safety tools": alarm system, surveillance cameras, web monitoring, iron grid, wire screen, fire-extinguisher, fast contact medium with police/fire people/hospitals/friends, etc.
  • In some instances in history people made towers, bunkers, traps, obstacles, or even mazes (in large castles), and other creative strategies, always changing and replaced with new ones when old solutions become known/weak.
  • Keep minimum valuables at home, esp. portable ones, that you may keep elsewhere, e.g. in another home/bank/self-storage facility.
  • If you need security more than appearance, keep a low profile for yourself & "your house" (no great structure). Conversely, you may "show" it is occupied, secured, and owned by a powerful owner, e.g. keeping some sound/light/flash/motion on (thanks to technology, many of that can be done remotely).
  • In worst case scenarios, for guarding during "insecure times," be present, awake and attentive; take shifts with friends/family members; ask trusted neighbors to watch while you are away; or hire an affordable "trustworthy" guard, or more, you know FULLY well.
  • Else, you may, reluctantly, have to "share" your house/land, LOSING it partially/temporarily, e.g. by renting it to trustworthy people, or whatever agreement together.
  • If still insecure, move to an area, e.g. a building complex or gated community, that has SHARED security (shared guard, fence, gate, alarm, cameras, etc.) all neighbors pay for. Or share all the above together if it wasn't already designed as a gated community.


The availability of medicine and medical service is a precondition for many people to live in a remote area.

  • Initially, you can focus on prevention, precaution, and other "survival skills" to learn & develop, e.g. self-help, first aid, etc. to rely less on medicine and doctors.
  • However, prevention only limits risk, until you have an accident/illness you can't control, where living relatively close to a well-equipped hospital is vital, esp. if you have health problems requiring more and frequent medical care, or you are more subject to accidents.
    • Some areas allow people to call for an air ambulance/helicopter in emergencies. In others they can be taken to a nearby local hospital that may/may not be equipped enough, where they can be treated at least temporarily then sent to a more equipped one. Any local community's priority is to have a good hospital, by working with the government to have it, or build a privately owned one, owned/managed by one owner (e.g. a wealthy inhabitant), or many, funding it "regularly," to pay for salaries, medicine, new equipment, etc. It can be funded by donations from inhabitants, philanthropists, nonprofit organizations, or other NGO's.
  • Otherwise, if you can't live on your own in a remote area because of your age/health/disability/etc., get government/private support there, or live with/near helpful people (family/friends), or live in a nursing/retirement home or retirement community.


A highway/railroad/airport/seaport gives life to a remote area, faster than waiting until communities grow first, as the former is the center/axis/skeleton communities usually cluster around. Enough space should be initially preserved (e.g. a mile wide) surrounding main roads for future traffic & expansions.

  • Some remote areas are very isolated, having no roads on land to, thus being mostly reachable by foot, sea, air, special vehicles, or animals, as in mountains, oases, islands, or areas with unstable weather or other conditions. Thus both modern & traditional transportation already used should be improved/introduced: roads/bridges/tunnels/ferries/planes, stations/ports, and those who operate them.
  • Compared to cars, trains are generally safer/cheaper/cleaner to environment/better monitored & controlled/sparing road maintenance & damage. However, more security is needed for long unprotected railroads in uninhabited areas, by police/army/technology, until they become inhabited.
  • An airport attracts more faraway tourists/investors/state officials/workers/etc. who could be rich/busy/old/ill/desperate/curious/etc. Temporarily having less flights but more deals & incentives is recommended, until travel demand increases flights & lowers price automatically.
  • Many remote areas have long roads to and within, requiring more & regular maintenance, as speeding up on bumpy/dusty/slippery/broken/unpaved/narrow roads increases accidents. Statistically, areas with long roads have higher rates of road accidents & deaths/complications before reaching hospital; whereas, central crowded areas have higher rates of mortality by other health problems caused by stress and pollution. Thankfully, one can control driving, more than stress or pollution. Get used to LONG COMMUTING:
    • If you have no car, there are usually few transports available. Carefully choose the best, safest vehicle, driver, company (passenger types), and trip time, path & price. Benefit from long commuting/waiting, if possible & allowed, by reading, working, sleeping, eating, etc.
    • If you have your private car, usually a must in remote areas, it must be suitable for the environment, roads and tasks: SUV/pickup, large fuel-tank, etc. Still, you shouldn't use a car needlessly, if at all, requiring more fuel, maintenance & security, and causing more pollution & traffic, when public transports are available. However, when you drive you must do it carefully:
      • You need your hands & brain focused on driving only. If safe, you may listen to some music, news, etc. Making calls is risky, even with speakers or headset. Meditation/free thinking is the safest pastime during long commuting, which you can control, compared to any physical or social occupation, e.g. 2-sided conversation, you cannot control. Otherwise, if you afford hiring a trustworthy chauffeur (who will hear your phone calls with others), it will give you more freedom on the road.


A remote area may have few/distant services, having less workers, equipment, maintenance, security, etc.: hospitals, shops, schools, etc. For this, the more SELF-SUFFICIENT you are, the more freedom/privileges you get and problems you solve, relying less on stores, technicians ... policemen, lawyers, or neighbors.

  • Store what you need so you pay less visits to distant markets: dried/frozen/canned food, vital medicines you regularly/accidentally need, home kit, and other tools. Write a long-prepared comprehensive list of all you need (shopping or any other duty/visit/etc.), that you daily add new items to, lest you regretfully miss one item requiring you sometimes to drive tens of miles again.
  • Recycle more, thus buying/selling less, making/throwing less trash, etc.
  • The more remote your area is, the more self-sufficiency it needs in its infrastructure, for less problems with public networks. It'd be better to have your own electricity from a wind-mill/solar-panel, or less favorably a fuel-based generator; your own well for water supply; your own septic tank for drainage; and a wireless phone with internet service, or satellite dish for your own internet. Have your own garden for some home-grown food, enjoying nature and exercise as well.


A remote area may have less people & networking opportunities. You may have less contact with family members, old friends/acquaintances, etc. whom you can only visit occasionally/virtually, while beginning to make "new" ones near you.

Once there, develop basic social contacts to ease your life. Gradually develop your own STRONG friendships, usually with few persons that you meet more and share more character and important times together. Some people are encouraged to live in a remote area only when they have someone close there, to not feel alone. Although friendships and acquaintances would be few, they can be strong, having more quality than quantity, as people in small communities usually know and need each other more. A simple chat, dinner, game, party, trip, event, etc., wherever and whenever, can easily break the ice and grow friendship in a short time. Knowing about the area and its inhabitants in advance, e.g. from the web, can help you fit in quickly.

However social you get, don't sacrifice the gift of privacy remote areas have, turning its advantages into disadvantages.

  • When socializing, be mutually useful and respectable, returning the favor immediately/shortly, even visibly (financially or otherwise), and fairly, rather than being indebted.
  • Otherwise, don't be intrusive/intruded upon, or unnecessarily intimate with everyone you meet, turning a temporary/unimportant/sensitive/risky relationship into a permanent/strong one. Don't socialize too much with very close neighbors you encounter everyday, or those you may get into future trouble with because of shared facilities, land, etc. For your house, keep enough ground space, a fence, and trees for your privacy and safety. Keep a distance from others' sounds/smells/sights/physical contact, and their pipes/wires/signals, etc., as well as keeping yours away from them.


Remote areas become habitable most by work opportunities. "Labor-intensive" jobs are especially favored, in manufacturing or otherwise: trade, IT, service, tourism, etc. Some large corporations can have their local branches or even headquarters there.

  • Industry is the most useful, stable, job-creating field. The space outside (not inside) the remote area is good for large industries to build bigger factories employing the most personnel, from within/without the area, that the local municipality can ask the central government to support. Some remote areas are especially rich in "raw materials" such industries need, or close to main state roads for transporting/exporting products.
  • Agriculture & agriculture/food industries have better environment there, but they require proper marketing, storage, transportation, and collaboration and coordination with other farmers, buyers and marketers (or a large credible one), rather than working individually.
  • Many remote areas are rich in nature and tourist sites esp. attracting visitors from the nearest congested cities, or from faraway regions interested in the area for its uniqueness, of nature (camping/safari/natural therapy), history (indigenous people/crafts/traditions, historic sites/relics), laws (socially/economically liberal), activities (sports/festivals/fairs), etc. Attracting faraway visitors requires more advertising & connection with their towns.
  • Having a good phone and internet connection allows phone-based & web-based jobs: web-designing/tutoring/counseling, freelance writing/translation/programming, etc. E-shops require good advertising, storage place & conditions, transportation to ship products, and, of course, good products, usually requiring more than one person for all the above, according to product.
  • As the community in the remote area grows, more common jobs become available to serve inhabitants, that one can choose from what the community needs most and what one is good at: local doctors/lawyers/barbers/plumbers/shops/restaurants/etc.
  • Working elsewhere while living in remote areas requires daily commuting to workplace. This may turn remote areas into mere bedroom communities for inhabitants who only return to to rest at the end of workday. The closer the work place and more comfortable the transportation, the more freedom and time saved.


  • Remote areas can grow sporadically that it's better to connect several remote areas together under one administration, coordinating the efforts different areas make separately, to become stronger together. They can complete each other, each providing the other with what they lack. There can be one central administration for each of the following groups: all small/poor/new hospitals, all schools, all businesses, all markets, and any society/club/group of people with shared interest.
  • Needed experts can be temporarily outsourced, from other remote areas or from big cities (offered more "incentives" to come), until having resident ones. The latter is usually possible once having a good local university and other institutes teaching all locally required professions and specialties.
  • It's important to organize shared events, contests & social activities, to increase bonding and knowledge between inhabitants of the area/neighboring areas. Social solidarity can complete/ substitute for state role, e.g. by forming local groups of residents to tackle their own problems, acting independently or with the local government. 
  • Improving a remote area starts as early as in childhood, by learning about and organizing trips to such areas, and bringing it to the spotlight by good media, to increase awareness about remote areas.
  • Above all, it improves by inclusion in government urban plans & megaprojects, assigning the right professionals and leaders to each area according to its needs.


You can be creative in your own pleasures: exercising, reading, designing, discovering the area, etc. Nature is more enjoyable in remote areas, in morning strolls, sunset, etc. Even parks, clubs, fairs, shops, etc. are usually bigger. However, there may be less cultural/social activity and nightlife, and few/distant/deserted(-looking) theaters, clubs, restaurants, cafeterias, etc. You may improve such places yourself by frequenting, supporting and popularizing more; you can choose the busiest place at the busiest hours; or just wait, as it's usually a matter of time before they become peopled and lively.

Don't turn simple natural living into a burden! You needn't turn your home into a palace, museum, or national park, requiring more maintenance, security, resources, and "presence" that you can't leave or free yourself from when you simply want to move elsewhere, or worse, feel devastated if you lose it all by accident or otherwise. Unless urgently needed, e.g. for a living, you needn't build and design more rooms/floors, fill the place with paintings/artifacts, grow more plants consuming water, money, effort, and time.

Otherwise, if you prefer a mobile lifestyle, look for a small house to buy/rent in the area, or one in a complex with similar houses, or an apartment in an apartment building. If you are only temporarily there, perhaps a hotel room is enough. Otherwise, if you just want a short adventure in nature, live/camp in a mobile/makeshift house, tent, or truck.


Living in Slums     |     Capital City     |     Regional Planning

Nature Love     |     Natural Science Benefits     |     Secular Asceticism

