Regional Governing


Regions need more autonomy, for faster decision, closer supervision, and saving management and communication costs. The more stable and connected to the country's central government a region is, the more autonomy and less state presence it needs, just as mature adults need less parental control and "attention": security and development, as one completes the other.

If a province's activities are monitored by the central government, there is no need to consult the government about every provincial detail, which is impossible when multiplied by the number of all provinces. Data-saving and telecommunication technologies help facilitate this.

Even smaller administrative divisions, within state or even province, can own some state properties and resources (as if they are individual citizens, the smallest state unit) deciding what to do with, without asking for the government's permission. A percentage of every province's revenue should be its own, not the state's, which gives it more incentive while still under the control of the central government. Such percentage is based on a province's self-made achievements, not its natural resources which belong to the state and shared by all state citizens.

• Laws should fit both the state and its provinces. Since no two provinces are identical, each may have its own unique laws (even when some laws sound eccentric to out-of-province outsiders). Diverse laws allow diverse living opportunities and choices, just as provincial uniqueness does.

Different regional laws require more control over borders between regions where such laws are effective. Some regions may also have agreements with foreign regions or countries, as long as such agreements do not affect their country's sovereignty or harm other country regions.

If a region makes advances in certain fields, requiring changing some old laws, as laws are like humans who make them, in constant evolution, then it's unfair to wait for other regions to catch up as long as the advanced region is still loyal to the state it belongs to. This even makes a role model for other regions that, though governed by different laws, can still freely enter, learn from and cooperate with the advanced region. 

Province governors are like presidents of their own provinces. They can attend cabinet meetings, or, if there are many provinces, they can be grouped into fewer territories each having a single representative in cabinet. Provinces should have government representatives to be part of the decision making at the country's center of command. For faster practical ruling, power should be shared in a hierarchy, where every leader in a "stratum" exercises power over the one below only, since he/she cannot see or move easily beyond their own stratum. For instance a country is to be divided into few provinces, each including other sub-provinces.

Administrative posts are preferably given to local leaders, who are usually more emotionally bonded and loyal to a place, aware of its needs and problems, trusted by its inhabitants, than an outsider is. 

• Specialized administration makes governing easier, e.g. by having a governor with certain experience (in tourism/agriculture/energy/history/culture/media/etc.) related to the special resources the province has. This is better than an administration with a jack-of-all-master-of-nothing type of experience. He must also be equally good at "leadership & planning," understanding his subordinates and having a future "vision."

Usually, the smaller the province, the more easily ruled. Yet, small provinces, like small countries or social minorities, need more specialization and protection, to survive among the bigger ones.

There is no way to avoid the natural bias of a central government and to achieve equality except through power-checking, or even better power-sharing (regional municipalities, authorities, headquarters ... and gradual federacy). However, an early premature power-sharing is more dangerous than autocracy/elitism, leading to full chaos, if not the fall of the state. (Elite rule has been common and vital since ancient human and animal history, for basic order and unity.) Democracy, polycentrism ... are forms of power sharing. Power can lie in information, legislation, judiciary, and executive power, governmental or not  There can only be one political/governmental center of command, although there can be many others in other fields: economy, science, tourism, etc.  If power sharing is difficult in government, it can be achieved non-governmentally, by de-centralization of country's resources: having many centers of trade, tourism, industry, etc.


Regional Planning     |    Regional Border    |    Regional Security    |    Regional Development

Capital City     |    A Multipolar World    |    Improving Slums

